
August 29, 2009

08/29/09: new strip

Filed under: comic — hardknox007 @ 9:03 pm

There are actually a few strips before this one. I was on a lightning bug kick and wrote a week’s worth about those magically hypnotic and all-to-easy-to-catch sacks of luminiscent fun.

I just wanted to get this one up first because I thoroughly LOVE the idea. But I’m afraid what’s in my head won’t be communicated. So, please let me know if this is as funny to you as it is to me.

Also, I added just a bit of color just for the fun of it.

lightning bug glow teeth 700px

08/29/09:blog post

Filed under: 1 — hardknox007 @ 8:58 pm

Took a few weeks to get into the the school rhythm. But I’m white, so I have no rhythm.

And I always have trouble remembering how to spell rhythm.

Let’s get back to the posting, shall we?

August 1, 2009


Filed under: blog — hardknox007 @ 11:34 am

After taking inventory of all the strips I’ve actually drawn, I have the requisite 30-36 daily strips necessary for a submission to a syndicate.

All I have to do now is draw 2 or 3 Sunday strips–which I’ve never done.

Drawing these Sundays are scaring the bejeezus outta me. I’m not real good with colors and I have to draw the originals at a slightly different scale, due to the different layout of the sunday.

But this is good for me. I’m finally at a point where I am compelled to draw the larger, colored, more complex Sunday strip.

I tend to play it very safe at first, only after drawing a while does my creativity loosen up and my drawing style loosen up. I play with angles, perspective and frame layout. (You’ll see that in some upcoming strips.)

So, I’m going to mess around first, get loosened up, then tackle the Sunday strip. It really is an opportunity to play and experiment.

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